Connecting and collecting the dots

Listening to the Seth Godin, the speaker explained that school was defined as a place to teach obedience. And then I ask myself the question what is a school for?  For me I would elaborate on the definition; by adding that school is also a place to get a basic knowledge to solve the real world problem or It a platform to solve and see real-world problems.  If we say that there should be diverse of education, then there will be times when we have to collect the dots and times when we don’t have to collect but we would connect instead. I said this because I believe there is basic knowledge that is needed to be known to make real-world issues solvable.    Teaching in the 21stcentury should involve both connecting the dots and collecting the dots. I said so because there is basic knowledge that needs to be known in some subject matters. For instance, subject matters like physics and chemistry require some fundamental knowledge and principles which cannot be figured alone by the student except through the help of lecturing by the teachers and also the student memorizing those principles. teaching in the 21st century requires innovation for teaching and learning. However, it goes beyond lecturing a subject matter to the students. 

According to Dan Edelstein innovation is the most difficult of all skills to impart. it does not have rules for its practices. It’s something we hope the student will pick up on their own in or out of school which can be achieved when students are made to collect and connect the dots. Collecting the dots has to do with educators showing, directing and teaching the student on what and how to learn and solve problems while connecting the dots has to do with students being put in a learning situation where they can fail and then try figuring it out themselves until they become masters of their learning. It literally makes them critical thinkers.  collecting the dots are very important because by teaching student obedience, you are impacting into them some morals which include following instructions, respecting teachers and their peer- groups and so on.  In conclusion, I believe balancing the two shows the involvement of innovation.  


One thought on “Connecting and collecting the dots”

  1. Nice post Helen! I liked how you point out the differences between “collecting” and “collecting” the dots. I agree that as much as it is true for every discipline to educate the students with the fundamental concepts, it is also crucial to instill a sense of creativity among the students.

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